Monday, December 16, 2013

THE post

Hi people of internet! My name is Chloe Aquamarine and here's my very first blogpost.

Will Smith once said " Create what we want to create", well that's what i'm doing now or at least i hope so. I create this blog to be a space where i can inspire people. Most importantly inspire all those women who open their jam packed closet and say " I have nothing to wear! "(Let's admit it we've all said that).  On second thought, I want this space to also be a place where I can share my ideas, thoughts and life journey.

My feelings are telling me that this blog will be the ship that will carry me on an unexpected voyage. However that is the future and who might know what will happen then, what matters is right here and right now. Right now? All I want right now is for this blog to be known.

Oh! And don't forget to follow my Instagram account @theuntoldsecrets !

Love you all

Signing out, 